This guide will show you the basics of everything you need to know to start selling on your own IndieMade site. Each of these settings can be found in the upper right screen on the Dashboard. Look for the gear/cog icon. Links have been provided for more information on all of the topics discussed in this article.
1. Basic Site Info
You can find your Site Name here and upload a logo if you have one. If you do have a logo that contains the site name you can choose to hide the site name in the header. Decide what you would like your homepage to be, you can make it a listing of all your products 'Store" or choose to show "Categories". You can also choose to build a completely custom page from a list of all your pages.
2. Store Settings
Enter your address and if your products have options that people need to select, Enable Product Options. This may already be enabled for you. If you are selling on Etsy and use Etsy's variations then choose Enable product Variations instead. (You can use both if needed). They are basically the same thing.
Store Settings.
Variations and Options
3. Taxes
In the settings section of the Dashboard choose "Taxes"
If you live in the Uniteds States click on 'Add State Tax' put select your State and enter your zipcode.
IndieMade already has all the rates for your State and local sales tax.
4. Shipping
Choose a shipping method for your products, we recommend Simple Shipping or USPS Calculated Shipping.
A note about Flat rate: Flat rate is much too simplistic for most cases as it will be a flat rate for ALL destinations that you add. Use flat rate if you offer FREE shipping or the same charge to all your destinations.
For Simple Shipping you will what it costs to ship each item plus additional items per destination. For Calculated Shipping enter in your zipcode and select what USPS Services you offer. If you choose USPS you will need to add weights and dimensions to ALL your products.
5. Payment Providers
"You must add at least one payment provider in order for your customers to pay you. PayPal also accepts debit or credit cards and even Venmo directly on your payment page. Stripe and Square are dedicated credit card processors and allow your customers to securely enter their debit or credit card information on your payment page. All of these payment providers require some sort of setup and keys to ensure that transactions are handled securely. We believe it's worth the effort.
Manual Payment allows you to specify how your customers pay you. This option allows your customers to checkout and settle funds with you using traditional payment methods, such as a check or money order. You decide what the display name is and provide instructions.
PayPal Hosted Checkout: This solution was used before payment providers offered a secure way to accept payments directly on a website. This solution sends your customers to their PayPal account to pay you securely. Customers are redirected back to your website after completing the payment. The bright side is that it is very easy to set up, as it only requires your PayPal email address, and you're done."