Setting up a Domain on Cloudflare

Adding a CNAME

To create a CNAME record for the 'www' subdomain using Cloudflare, follow these steps:

1. Log in to your Cloudflare account.

2. Select the domain for which you want to create the CNAME record.

3. Click on the "DNS" tab in the top menu.

4. In the DNS management section, click on the "Add record" button.

5. In the "Type" dropdown menu, choose "CNAME."

6. In the "Name" field, enter 'www' (without quotes) to represent the 'www' subdomain.

7. In the "Target" field, enter your IndieMade url.

8. Configure the "TTL" (Time To Live) value according to your preferences. The default "Auto" option is usually sufficient.

9. Click on the "Save" button to create the CNAME record.

Adding a Redirect / Forwarding to your

Here are the steps to create a redirect from the non-www (root domain) to the 'www' subdomain using Cloudflare, you can use Cloudflare Page Rules. Follow these steps: