Integrating Printify with IndieMade


Integrating Printify with IndieMade is a straightforward process. By simply using the Printify API token, products will be automatically published to IndieMade. The creation and management of products are handled at Printify and then seamlessly moved to your IndieMade store.

Finding Printify Integration Page

You can find the Printify Integration page under the settings menu Integration > Printify.

Connecting Your Store

Preparing Your Store

Make sure that your store is set up to connect to an API:

  1. Click Connect
  2. Scroll down to the 'API' option and click Create

NOTE: If you disconnect your store from IndieMade, this field will be reset.

Creating a Printify Store Token

On Printify go to Account (bottom left) choose Connections, click on Generate token

  1. Click Generate
  2. Name your token (Ex. Token1)
  3. Select All scopes (full access)
  4. Click Generate Token
  5. Copy the token to your clipboard by clicking the icon on the bottom right.

Integrating with IndieMade

Afterward, return to your IndieMade site to continue:

  1. Go to your Dashboard
  2. At the upper right of the Dashboard, click Settings
  3. Click Integration and then Printify
  4. Enter your Printify store token into the box, and click Save Token
  5. Select the store that you would like to connect to
  6. Click Connect Store
  7. If you wish to disconnect from your currently selected store, you can click Disconnect. However, your Printify items will no longer be displayed in your IndieMade store.

Publishing Products on Printify

Publish your products on Printify:

  1. Go to your Printify page
  2. Click My Products on the top bar
  3. To publish all of your products, check the Select All box
  4. Click Publish, it will take a while depending on the number of products for all of them to be published
  5. You may also publish products individually by selecting a product and clicking Publish
  6. To post changes on a Printify product to IndieMade, simply republish your product with the changes
  7. To select which information should be changed, scroll down to the bottom of your product page
  8. Check any of the boxes that you wish to be updated on your IndieMade store, and click Publish

Disconnecting and Reconnecting Your Store with Printify and IndieMade

This guide provides instructions for disconnecting your Printify store and reconnecting it with your IndieMade store. This process is necessary for removing existing Printify products from IndieMade, enabling a fresh start. Additionally, disconnecting and reconnecting may resolve issues where products are indefinitely stuck in the 'publishing' state on Printify. 

Important Consideration

Disconnection your Printify store will remove your Printify store products from IndieMade so you will lose any changes you made to your products at IndieMade. After disconnecting your store, you must reconnect it to both IndieMade and Printify. If you have previously saved your API token, you may reuse it. Alternatively, you have the option to generate a new token.

Disconnecting on Printify

To disconnect your store on Printify, navigate to 'Manage my store', located beneath the Printify logo in your store listings. For the store you wish to disconnect, click the ellipse (…) next to the gear icon and select 'Disconnect'.

Disconnecting on IndieMade

On IndieMade, access your Printify API settings by navigating to 'Settings' > 'Integrations' > 'Printify'. Upon disconnection, all your Printify products will be set to an 'Unpublished' status.

Reconnecting and Publishing Your Products to IndieMade

Begin the reconnection process at IndieMade. Enter your API token, select your store, and click 'Connect'. Then, on Printify, go to 'Manage Stores'. Click the 'Connect' button, scroll down, and choose 'Connect via API'.

To publish your products to IndieMade, return to Printify. On the 'My Products' page, set all products to 'Unpublished', select 'Select all', and click 'Publish'. A successful publication will result in your Printify products appearing on your IndieMade store.