Migration Guidelines

If you signed up for IndieMade before July 2021 you are more than likely using the original version of IndieMade. We will still be supporting this version for the foreseeable future. However new features and themes will be added to our newest version.

Getting Started

The first thing to do is signup for a new trial at https://account.indiemade.com/signup_wizard/user let us know that you have signed up and we will begin migrating your data. We will not move your site until you approve your new site and you are under no obligation to move.

Note that the Site URL can be anything as we will transfer your custom domain and actual IndieMade URL after you approve the new site.

We recommend using your current password when signing up but remember it is a different site so your user passwords can be different.

Do not worry about theme choice at this point. Unless you specify otherwise we will try and make your site look as close as possible to your original site. You can review our themes and examples on our main website.

