
Customize your site by adding a Block. Indiemade gives you the option to create a variety of blocks, from simple images to videos and menu bars. Click the links below to learn all about blocks

Creating a Block

Creating a block is easy with Indiemade


  1. Go to your Dashboard
  2. Click Blocks
  3. Select Block type
  4. Click Create block
  5. Fill out block details
  6. Click Save


Types of Blocks

Here you can learn about the different types of blocks that Indiemade has to offer.


A category block gives you the option to add a menu-bar of your products categories on any page of your site.>


Create a video block to add a video above any page. This is a great way to promote your business. You can Share a video of your creative process or showcase your products.


With an image block you can put a hero image above any page.

Plain Text

With plain text block you can add a memo or message above any page

Store listings

Create a store listing block to add products to other pages. You can add one or all categories and choose the amount of products to display.

Text with image and button

A text with image and button block is just like it sounds! You have the option to add a hero image with a message and a button with any link connected to it.